Managing projects according to the latest trends
With agile methods all the rage, the role of the project leader is changing but remains as vital as ever ‘Agility’ is well and truly in...
Managing projects according to the latest trends
La gestion moderne des projets
Chef de projet et Manager, des métiers identiques ?
Project manager vs People manager: two identical jobs?
Hang on in there!
The Kanban method, or how to process one request at a time
La méthode Kanban, l’art de traiter une demande après l’autre
“Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
"Hier ne nous appartient plus. Demain, tout est encore possible." - Lyndon B. Johnson
Etre proactif et prendre sa vie en main
Being proactive and taking control of your life
A year for you
I say what I think and get it right in the face
Having problems with a project? Transparency is the key!