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3 min de lecture
Managing projects according to the latest trends
With agile methods all the rage, the role of the project leader is changing but remains as vital as ever ‘Agility’ is well and truly in...
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2 min de lecture
Documentation and agile IT projects: never the twain shall meet?
What is the place of technical documentation in agile projects? During one of the projects I was running, a colleague came up to me and...
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4 min de lecture
Clearly defined roles and responsibilities – a source of freedom
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players … And one man in his time plays many parts – William Shakespeare Do you...
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2 min de lecture
Project manager vs People manager: two identical jobs?
Let’s say you’re a great project manager. Does that automatically mean you’ll be a good people manager? Or vice versa? This question came...
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3 min de lecture
Setting ambitious targets and remaining zen - is it possible?
As a professional project manager, I pride myself on being well organised. I set and reach my goals in all aspects of my life, all while...
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2 min de lecture
In 2021, I wish you joy!
The joy felt in all these small moments of life, whatever the big issues of the moment. The past year has been difficult, in a different...
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4 min de lecture
Stop listening to the monkey
“They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them” Gandhi Someone explained to me one day that a manager must always...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
Open communication channels – getting it right
How to discuss a problem effectively and only when needed
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
Keeping a balance between pragmatism and perfectionism
A few avenues to explore Marakoudja has four core values that permeate everything we do: pragmatism, passion, transparency and...
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3 min de lecture
How to avoid losing hope in the world of work?
The link between perseverance and motivation Marakoudja has four core values that permeate everything we do: pragmatism, passion,...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
Functioning as a team
“Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story.” - Casey Stengel Teamwork is essential to project...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
Digitalisation – watch out for ‘big bang’ myths
Or how agile thinking can help divide things down into bite-sized chunks and limit risks If you look up the term ‘digitalisation’ on...
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2 min de lecture
Hang on in there!
As we embark on our personal or work projects, how about we first test our resilience? Resilience (figurative): moral strength; the...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
Believe in it
How to avoid being slowed down by resistance to change. "She believed she could, so she did.” - R. S. Grey Successfully bringing a...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
4 min de lecture
The Kanban method, or how to process one request at a time
Is your organisation sagging under a mountain of requests? Then the Kanban method may be just the thing for you! How do you react when...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
“Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Instead of scrutinising the past, we should regularly identify avenues for improvement and apply them quickly. Those who study project...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
3 min de lecture
Being proactive and taking control of your life
I often refer to Stephen Covey in my classes as well as with friends. I even gave my children a copy of his first successful book “The...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
2 min de lecture
When fear sets in, we stop being gracious! And then it all goes wrong.
“Worry is like a rocking chair: it keeps you busy but it never gets you anywhere.” - Joyce Meyer Experience has shown me that worry takes...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
2 min de lecture
Are your emails getting ignored? Time to try a different tactic…
Do you do your best to communicate according to the rules but get no reaction? Alex and Mara’s story may inspire you… Alex burst into...
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Michèle Richard, PMP
1 min de lecture
Critical deadline approaching? Slow down!
When the pressure rises, our instincts tell us to ‘Work harder!’ But what if we’ve got it all wrong? These tips can help you take a more...
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